Performance & Quality Improvement
Ebenezer Christian Children’s Home is committed to providing excellent care for all children that are admitted into our programs. Additionally, ECCH is committed to create a safe, healthy environment for our employees and volunteers. ECCH seeks to accomplish these goals through Performance and Quality Improvement (PQI). PQI at Ebenezer is conducted quarterly, and ensures organized, timely reviews of our organization and its services. PQI reviews enable us to implement needed changes to ensure quality of care. Click on the link below to view a snapshot of PQI activities for the last quarter. If you have questions regarding PQI activities, or you would like to provide feedback, please visit our contact page.
2024 PQI Activities:
Measuring the rate of placement changes for the Foster Care Program
Measuring the progress and achievement of each child's personal goals
Measuring the improvement of the physical and emotional health of all children in our programs
Measuring the safety and satisfaction of Ebenezer employees
Measuring the number of counties and clients that Ebenezer serves
Measuring the timely completion of agency assessments to ensure excellent care for the children served
Click on the links below to download the most recent Annual PQI Reports: